WAO! i actually drive a car myself today!!!
did my practical for driving. was kinda sway, 1st lesson rain le.
i started to learn how to turn at a junction le. YAY!! so happy abt it.
cant wait for the next lesson which is the date when i am free!!!
Today skip lessons, to go for my basic theory test.
Was so scared that i would fail and if that happens, damn paiseh.
But i PASSED! woohoo! At least my effort studying at home is not wasted.
Went to apply for PDL, which i waited for almost 2hrs!
I finally can start learning driving.
My hope is to be able to drive on the road during siong siong kor kor 's weddings! HAHA.
Sound so great, but i not sure can that be done. Haha.
Went to work after school. Some lessons were quite boring. Especially TP!!!
Took that picture ontop. Customer too bo liao, go and decorate the food. Haha. Quite creative.1st lesson of the event management. We were to ask to build something using ballons, cup, straws and tape to prevent a egg from cracking when thrown down from 2nd storey. It was fun during the process. Before getting those items, we have to use our brain to solve some brain teasers. Ours was so strong that it still could bounce when it reaches the ground. Haha. But we didnt won in the end! 2nd still ok. Happy!
Today, gone for supper with the HOGS again. But this time is with all the chefs and the few of us.
Sort of farewell party for the Danny, Brian and David who are going.
Went to Geylang to eat frog porridge. We order as if the food is free. Haha. Keep ordering and ordering.
After eating all the chefs gone home. Because they have to work tomorrow.
Shawn and Alvin brought me, Scott, Chris, Augs and Cs around some streets.
EEE. They are so disgusting. They even pulled Chris. Haha. Not all sucks la, stil got 1 or 2 pretty nia.
Done. Tomorrow going chalet with 1D1. Last gathering before school reopens. Because we not together anymore.
today skip volleyball, didn't want to. But this kind of outing seldom occurs, so its worth it.
Went to town with the HOGS!
Shop till 6pm plus.
Then we went NYDC, which is outside heeren, to eat our dinner. The food was quite nice, but i order a too simple meal.
After our dinner, gone to Cineleisure to watch movies. "Charlie Bartle"
The show was quite ok to me. Went home home after that.
This April and coming MAY got alot of nice shows that i want to watch!!!